Monday, February 28, 2011

NZ Earthquake and 1.6 Questions

1. Summarize the major points of interest about the earthquake in NZ including relevant photos and/or videos.
a. what caused the quake....geographical perspective
 The earthquake is the product of a new fault line in the Earth’s crust that seismologists were previously unaware of.      
b. where - epicentre and effected areas
The epicentre and effected area was Christchurch
c. casualties
The Earthquake death toll reaches 145       
d. major damage
Streets and houses were damaged by the Earthquake      
 e. current concerns
The current concerns are the missing people      
 f. Give a paragraph about your reactions to the events.
I think that the New Zealand Earthquake is a horrible and disastrous event that rarely occurs and should be forgotten about. Overall i hope that all the people in need of assistance from the Earthquake are helped and treated for whatever condition they are in. Also i hope that all the people missing are found.

1.6 Questions

1. The difference between climate and weather is that Climate is the pattern of weather that is expected in a particular place as weather is the temperature and what whether or not it is raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, hailing, etc.

2. latitude affects climate because the closer you are to the equator the smaller the area that needs to be heated so it is hotter.
3. Australia is dominated by high pressure with low pressure in the north during summer and in the south during winter.
4. The normal circulation pattern in the Pacific Ocean brings rain to Australia.
5. The influence of relief on climate As altitude increases, air becomes thinner and is less able to absorb and retain heat.

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