Monday, September 12, 2011

Chapter 4.3

1. Federal- The Australian Government's Department of Transport and Regional Services.
State- The NSW Department of State and Regional Development Funds

2. Sense of Place Program and Townlife Development Program

3. The rural transaction centre is the first ever community-owned post office in Australia created by the towns people of Gulargambone after there was threat of closure of the local post office. It is important because it provides needs of the community

4. The GRTC is a first community-owned post office in Australia. It offers Giro post, Centre link, Medicare, Internet access and the reliance credit union along with the usual postal services and a small but modern gift shop

5. Community groups have have lobbied government and non-government organisations for funding and assistance. Without the proactive attitude of the community and individuals, Gulargambone would not have the services and facilities that are available today.

1) To increase the population and services that are available
2) To improve the visual appearance of the town
3) To promote Gulargambone

7) The two eight two eight project involved the restoration of the former picture theatre into a vibrant and multi-faceted community centre.

The opening of the rural transaction centre
Lobbying for and receiving a new multi-purpose health centre
The 'Back to Gulargambone reunion'

9) Coonabamble Shire Council has provided funding and help with many of the projects undertaken in Gulargambone including dollar-for-dollar funding for repainting the shops in the main street  and funding the feasibility study for the Rural Transaction Centre. It has been supportive of the Gulargambone ahead program and has provided assistance for the many projects 

10) The changes that have occurred include:
- New textures used to build the building
- Different colours used to produce the building
- Crack have been filled leaving the building look attractive
But overall their has only been a slight improvement between the two buildings 

11) Active citizenship is extremely important to the little town of Gulargambone. Many individuals have been involved in the many projects mentioned earlier. The town relies heavily on volunteers who run the two eight two eight cafe and the library and who give up their time to make sure that Gulargambone survives despite rural decline.

a) The article is about the community coming together in order to save their town known as Gulargambone
b) The downturn in rural economy  and the ravages of drought
c) Over a couple of decades, the residents saw their busy main street drained of its energy as one shop after another closed, banks left town and services were removed
d) The threat of closing the post-office
e) Because it was the only post-office close to the community
f) Old picture theatre, a cafe, gift shop, exhibition centre, and best of all, regular movie nights 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Questions 4.2

1) It causes economic hardship for agricultural population which has an effect on businesses and jobs, increased welfare dependency
2) It meant that there were more farms available but there are less farms actually running
3) The soldiers settler blocks being sold, collapse in the wool industry, rising costs in the agricultural industry with fuel, machinery and wages
4) It has meant that these more advanced and more powerful machinery such as headers are able to harvest bigger areas of land in one day making the farmers job a lot easier which means they don't need as many employees
5) Because of the improvement in roads and cars it gives people better access to wider communities such as Dubbo and Coonamble which means they are able to bypass smaller and more isolated towns such as Gulargambone. People also find it easier to use particular services and facilities with entertainment in larger towns and communities than smaller ones
6) People have left the town to search for employment and education, the age median is increasing which means there is a greater need for age services

8) The population dramatically declined from 1954 to the mid 1960's, from then and on the population has been going up and down. From starting with a population of 900 people Gulargambone has lost 500 people.
9) The reason why the population is appeared in a pyramid is because it is an easier way to tell the population through all of the ages. The pyramid covers all the ages from 0-80 and presents a clear population throughout all of the ages
a- The school enrolments slowly rose in the 1950's and from there has been a major decline up until 2007
b- The reason why the trends are shown like this is because over the past 30 years the town has experienced steady population decline. There are large numbers of children, but many young people aged 15-29 have left the town and its surrounds in search of education and employment. The median age is increasing showing that there is an ageing population and a greater need for aged services
Social- The median age is increasing
Economic- People are leaving the town to find better employment
Environmental- Drought and decline in Agriculture

Questions 4.1

1. Rural decline is when Australians migrate from rural areas to urban areas which makes the land suffer.
2. Gulargambone is a small rural town located on the Castlereagh River, halfway between Gilgandra and Coonamble in the central - west region of New South Wales. 
3. Gulargambone has a temperature climate with periods of extreme heat in summer, up to 45 degrees Celsius, and cold in winter, down to -5 degrees Celsius. The average annual rainfall is 580-595 millimeters and it can be highly variable. The town lies on the Castlereagh River that is usually dry - it flows underground. the terrain id flat to undulating and the soils are fertile black and red types.
4. The town before the 'soldier settler' blocks had only 2 residents, but most of the returned soldiers were young men. When they settled in the area they brought with them wives and young families. This created a mini-boom in the population during the 1950s and 1960s. 
5. Agriculture and Forestry. 
6. 447 people live in Gulargambone. 1072 people living in the district. 
7. The Community Development Employment Program. 
i.  North West             
ii. North.                     
i.  Bourah 31 18 S   and 147 16 E      
ii.   The Maze: 31 21 S and  148 17 E      
iii. Tailby State Forest: 31 15 S and 148 22 E
i.  AR6254                     
ii. AR6353                    
10. 4.30 has the biggest area. 

Mapping Skills

Source A-C
What is the predicted population growth rate in 2030? 
What is the predicted population change in 2030? 60 million people
What region of the world is predicted to have the greatest gross increase in percentage between 1800 and 2050? Africa

Source D
How many males and females are there in Ethiopia for the age range 60-64 in the year 2000? 2.5 million people
How many males and females are there in Italy for the age range 60-64 in the year 2000? 1.75 million
Why do you think that there is such a difference between these two countries? Because Italy is smaller and has more of a great diversity of ages as apposed to Ethiopia which is a developing country.

Source E
What is located at GR831979? Dicks Hill
What is the highest point at AR7997? 490 metres
What is the contour interval for the map? The way in which mountains are shaped and how high they go.
What physical feature is located at GR820975? A wet swamp
Approximately how far is the Laurieton Sporting Complex from Hanleys Point on the Camden Haven Inlet? About half kilometer from the centre of the complex to the edge of the inlet
Give the GR for the North Haven Public School. GR830000
What is the highest point at Camden Head? Give the height and GR. 79 meters and GR845989

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Go Back To Where You Came From

What is your initial reaction to the show? My initial reaction to the show is that it is a good way to see the really stories behind the refugees and rather than the bias stories in the news saying that they are bad, it shows the struggle of them and what they go through.
What percentage of immigrants are refugees? 1.5%
Why does such a small number of people make for such a big deal both politically and in the media? (Give your opinion)  I believe that it is made such a big deal of because the people who make a big deal of it can as opposed to the people going through it which view is never heard.
Where does Australia rank among countries accepting refugees? We are number 18th in the world
To what extent do we have an obligation to help other people suffering in the world? (your opinion) 
I believe that Australia does have the right to help others in the world especially in developing countries because Australia is a thriving country.
How much extra support do refugees receive in comparison to other Australian citizens? They receive equal once they are settled in Australia (i.e. medicare) and also Australia tries to help legitimate refugees. 0.8% as much as the Australian citizens.

How many Asian nations have signed the UN Refugee Convention?11 Asian Nations have signed the UN refugee convention.
Why is it important to note that Malaysia has not signed the UN Refugee Convention? What does this mean for refugees in Malaysia? Malaysia does not recognise the rights of refugees as defined in the convention, nor does it have the same responsibilities as signatory countries by not being part of the UN refugee Convention. This means that it would be harder for refugees in Malaysia to settle in other countries.