Sunday, March 13, 2011

1.11 Questions

1- coal, oil and gas
2- solar, wind and hydro-electricity
3- They are trying to develop clean energy sources to prevent greenhouse gases and global warming within Australia
4- Australia, China, the United States and India
5- 76 billion tonnes
6- 5 billion dollars worth
7- The solar power plant near Mildura will use technology developed to power satellites and consist of fields of mirrors each covering 0.8 square kilometres. The sun's energy will be concentrated using cells that produce 1500 times more energy than a typical rooftop solar panel.
8- Well large turbines are turned by the wind, generating electricity
9- Advantages- Saves energy, good way to produce electricity, prevent global warming and greenhouse gases in Australia
Disadvantages- expensive, wastes space and if there is no wind then the electricity won't work
10- The sources such as hydro, solar and wind energy is are very good  for Australia because they are renewable.
13- The gas fields are situated on the coast of Western Australia, to the North West part of Australia, In the centre between Queensland and NSW and on the coast of Victoria.
The gas pipeline runs through these gas fields.
i- $16.5 billion
ii- $5.5 billion
iii- $2.5 billion
i- $25 billion
ii- $6 billion
iii- $2.8 billion
Coal had the greatest increase
1- Sendai
2- The Earthquake magnitude was from 8.8-9.0
3- One of the most affected areas was Sendai. The Earthquake and Tsunami claimed many lives ad destroyed many houses and buildings respected by the villagers. It was a disastrous event and in the photo below there shows an image of a women who was found at the bottom of her stairs just lying there motionless.

4- The man made disaster was the nuclear explosion which took place near Fukashima and at least 4 people were injured. Radioactive levels have risen and there is a lot of danger situated with this. There are still other plants in danger and let us hope that nothing like this will ever happen again.

Below is a link if you want to see more about this disaster 

Thursday, March 10, 2011


1- Resources are any materials that can be used by humans
2- Most biotic or living resources, such as trees and fish, are renewable as they can be reproduced within a human lifetime. Abiotic or non-living resources, like coal and oil, are non-renewable as they take thousands or even millions of years to form and therefore cannot be reproduced within our lifetime.
3- Renewable resources can become non-renewable through over-exploitation.
4- Healthy soil is a vital resource that is the basis for Australia's successful agricultural industries. Soil is also influential in the water cycle.
5- the branch of forestry dealing with the development and care of forests
6- 164.4 million hectares
7- They are very valuable and worth more than 2 billion dollars
8- An example of protecting fish species is that only 5265 tonnes of tuna are allowed to be fished each year.
9- Uranium
10- They are increasing due to improved prospecting and extraction technologies
11- Australia's forests cover over 164.4 million hectares of land. That means that a forest per person is 8.2 hectares. The Native forest area covers 162.7 million hectares while the Plantation forest area covers 1.7 million hectares. 
12- Uranium is a valuable resource because scientists figured out that it release's huge amounts of power. Uranium can also be used for nuclear weapons and is worth a lot of money.  
13- World heritage sites are valuable resources because they attract tourists.
14- I think mining for Uranium would disfigure the Earth and Landscape
15- Australia's fishing zones are basically all surrounding the country. 

Australia's Natural Resources

1- Australia's largest export partner has got to be China

Some products that Australia Exports to China include:

Animal products, Plants and Vegetables, Beverages, Plastics and Rubber, Leather, Textiles, Clothing, Stones, Machinery, Vehicles, Art, Animal and Vegetable Fats and Wood.

China needs our products so they can live and have all the basic products needed in life like wood, clothing, Vehicles, Animal Products and products. In return china sends back rice and wheat.
2- Surprisingly China is also our largest import partner

Some products that Australia Import from China include:

Rice, Wheat, Crops, Toys and Clothing

Australia needs these products so that we can make foods and machinery and sell them to consumers. This will also save Australia some money because it is cheaper to make products in China than in Australia.  

Monday, March 7, 2011

Endemic Plants to Australia

The waratah is a very unique plant in Australia. The waratah has comes in all sorts of colours like red an pink. The waratah has a very good drainage system and the diameter of the plant is between 10-25cm. When it is a hot day the leaves turn away trying not to get the full blaze of the sun.

1.7 Questions

1- Because some of them are only found in Australia
2- Because Australia is very stable
3- It means species that are found nowhere else in the world
4- 89 percent
5- Great Barrier Reef, tropical rainforests of Queensland and the south-west Botanical Province of Western Australia
6- The Tropical Rainforest
7- A marsupial is a animal that has its babies in its pouch and an example is a kangaroo
8- A monotreme is an egg laying mammal and an example is a platypus
9- Wallabies are generally smaller than kangaroos and wallabies prefer more rugged t
10- The Platypus is about 50cm long and weighs around about 1-2kg. The paddle like tail is used as a rudder and to move soil when burrowing. The main purpose is to store fat for times when food supplies are low. It has two nostrils, small beady eyes and ears on the side of its head. The platypus is a mammal and its warm coat helps it stay alive when swimming in chilly water.

1.5 Questions

1. Australia has western plateau, the central lowlands and the eastern highlands
2. The Australian Alps stretch from the Brindabella Range north of Canberra to the Baw Baw Range east of Melbourne.
3. The Australia Alps are rounded in shape because it has been subjected to erosion and weathering over millions of years.
4. Uluru is located 335 kilometers south-west of Alice Springs
5. Uluru is a massive rock composed of red arkose, a coarse sandstone, that stands over 340 meters above the surrounding plans.
6. Uluru appears to change colour due to the way in which the sun's rays pass through the atmosphere.
7. A drainage basin is an area of land that is drained by a river and its tributaries.
8. The largest drainage basins in Australia are the Murray– Darling Basin and the Lake Eyre Basin
9. Murry River, Murrumbidgee River, Darling River
10. The Lake Eyre Basin water disappears in the Simpson Desert through evaporation.
11. It only flows a few days in a year.
12. The Franklin River flows from the Cheyne Range to the Gordon River in what is now the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage area. The river has become synonymous with conservation in Australia ever since the ‘Battle to Save the Franklin’ rescued it from damming for hydro-electric power in the 1980s.
13. The ruling was that saved the Franklin River was the ruling that stated that is was a landmark therefore making it a ruling both environmentally and constitutionally.
14. The Murray–Darling Basin Authority  is preparing the plan which has been carefully thought out and they should maintain control over it. Within this plan they want to limits on the amount of water (both surface water and groundwater) that can be taken from Basin water resources on a sustainable basis, identification of risks to Basin water resources, such as climate change, and strategies to manage those risks and an environmental watering plan to optimise environmental outcomes for the Basin. Therefore, the MDBA should maintain control because they have this plan which is in the best interest of the Basin.
15. a)  There area three major physical regions in Australia which include:the Western Plateau, the Central Lowlands and the Eastern Highlands. The Western Plateau is a low, flat area that has been eroded over a period of millions of years. The Central Lowlands are very dry because rainfall is blocked by the Eastern Highlands. The Simpson Desert, which extends for 170 000 square kilometres , is in the Central Lowlands. This desert is famous for its large red sand dunes which run north-to-south. The Eastern Highlands region of Australia is the highest part of Australia, being a series of hills, mountains and plateaux. This area is also known as the Great Dividing Range, which is further subdivided into smaller ranges.
b) An example of each of the major Australian physical regions are: Western Plateau has Lake Carnegie, the Musgrave Ranges and the Gibson Desert, Central Lowlands has the Simpson Desert and Eastern Highlands has Mount Kosciuszko.
c) Mount Woodrotte is the highest point between Shark Bay and Maroochydore and the lowest point is Lake Eyre.
d) the highest range in The great sandy desert is bungle bungle range, the highest range in the great victorian desert is the Musgravel Ranges and the highest range in the Tanami desert is also bungle bungle range.
16. a) iii, iv and v
b) 1000km
c) Cooper Creek
d) Sturt Stoney Desert
e) North West

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dear Gregorio Sandwich 

The average weather in Sydney from February to April the average temperature is 17.3333 degrees Celsius. While in Capetown the average temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. Meaning that it will be a bit warmer and better to go swimming in. I will be taking you to Thredbo. Also we will be going to the snow at Thredbo in May so you will need to bring very warm clothes such as a beanie, jumper, track pants or other warm pants and some thermals.

Seasonal Averages

Seasonal Averages