1- 1974
2- They set up evacuation and medical centres
3- The National Disaster Organisation is a federal government body and it became involved with cyclone Tracy to help restore basic services to Darwin
4- To save lives
5- 80.459% of Darwin’s population were evacuated
6- Houses in all cyclone-prone areas of Australia must adhere to strict building codes to withstand cyclone. Also lessons have been taught how to prepare against this hazard
7- On the 29th of August Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf of Mexico and the state of Louisiana in the United States. It killed over 1400 people and flooded large areas of New Orleans
8- When the hurricane hit, the storm surge combined with the low-lying nature of the New Orleans meaning that 80% of the city became flooded.
9- All levels of Government were criticised for the slow and disorganised response to the hazard
10- The NDO was quick and organised to send out food supplies and medical services while the FEMA was criticised for being slow and took days to send out food supplies
a) Cyclone Tracy was heading at a fast speed South-East straight through Darwin